11 Plus Prep For Parents

Understanding the Eleven Plus Exam: A quick guide for parents.

For as long as I can remember, the eleven plus looms over year 6. It is a very important exam as the school community we are part of and the people we meet really shape our lives. It is as important, in my view, as what university learners choose later on. It is also a time to showcase academic aptitude.

The 11 plus exam is designed to assess a child’s academic ability, the exam typically covers a range of subjects including English, mathematics, verbal reasoning, and non-verbal reasoning. But as supportive parents, how can you help their children prepare effectively.

What is the Eleven Plus Exam?

The Eleven Plus exam, also known as the 11+, is an entrance examination taken by students in their final year of primary school, usually at the age of 10 or 11. Historically, the exam has been used as a means of selecting students for grammar schools, although its usage varies across different regions. The content and format of the exam can differ depending on the examining body or local authority administering it. Although we have the year six SATs exams, the eleven plus offers a more in-depth and perhaps more traditional way of assessing mathematical understanding and application.

Understanding the Mathematics Paper.

Mathematics is a significant component of the Eleven Plus exam. The math section typically assesses a student’s understanding of key mathematical concepts and their ability to apply these concepts to solve problems. Topics covered may include arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and sometimes basic statistics or data handling.

How to Prepare for the Maths Section

1. Start Early:

I cannot stress this enough. Remember, learning is not over once the exam is done, the journey to the eleven plus focusses learners and helps them to explore topics in a thorough way. This is type of knowledge gain is never wasted. Begin preparations well in advance of the exam date to allow sufficient time for thorough revision and practice. Some tutoring centres start as young as year 2. Why? It gets children into a routine. Learning should not be a chore, but stimlating, interesting and thought provoking. Early preparation helps children understand that some texts are not as appealing as others yet encourages and develops skills to support learners to navigate such reading material. This is a life long skill – how many tedious reporst have we had to read through or texts for university, tedious yet essential. Of course, tutors (including myself) try to make the text or maths task leap off the page, but there will be times that we have to plough through, this is when early prep helps. Getting children ready to sit exams is a part of life. Recently I took some further professional refresher exams, some of the material wasn’t my favourite topic, but I was able to recall facts and information from my school days, that stood me in good stead. Life long learning. In addition to this, starting early also helps alleviate stress and allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the material.

2. Understand the Exam Format:

Familiarise yourself and your child with the format of the math section. Obtain past papers or sample questions to understand the types of questions that may be asked and the format in which they are presented.

3. Focus on what is important:

Ensure your child has a solid grasp of foundational mathematical concepts such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, percentages, and basic algebra. These form the building blocks for more advanced topics. You can do this in a variety of ways, through the school via reports and feedback, through home assessment or through a reputable tutor.

4. Practice Regularly:

Encourage regular practice sessions to reinforce learning and build confidence. Set aside dedicated time each day for math practice, using a variety of resources such as textbooks, workbooks, online practice platforms, or educational apps. A little every day is more preferable to long sessions. Save yourself the battle – little and often.

5. Seek Additional Support if Needed and Child Safety With Tutors.

Seeking additional support from a tutor can be immensely beneficial, especially when a child encounters difficulties with certain topics. In many cases, classroom teachers are faced with large class sizes, making it challenging to provide individualized attention to every student. This is where tutors can step in and offer personalized guidance tailored to the specific needs and learning pace of the child.

Tutors have the flexibility to go over or consolidate knowledge at the child’s pace, ensuring that concepts are thoroughly understood before moving on to more advanced topics. This individualized approach can be particularly effective in addressing areas of weakness and providing strategies for improvement.

Chemistry between the child and the tutor is crucial for productive learning sessions. No matter how highly recommended a tutor may be, it’s essential that the child enjoys and thrives in their lessons and has a positive rapport with their tutor. Each tutor has their own teaching style, so trying out a few lessons with different tutors can help identify the best fit for the child.

Furthermore, experienced tutors are adept at motivating students and turning around any lack of enthusiasm they may have towards certain subjects like maths or English. They understand that not every lesson will be met with enthusiasm from the child, but they have the skills to engage and motivate them effectively.

Ultimately, investing in the right tutor can make a significant difference in a child’s academic journey. With the personalized attention, tailored support, and motivational guidance they provide, tutors play a valuable role in helping children overcome challenges, build confidence, and achieve their full potential.

Safety First

  1. Background Check: Before hiring a tutor, it’s essential to ensure that they have undergone a thorough background check. This provides peace of mind to parent.
  2. Parental Supervision: While it’s not necessary for parents to actively participate or interrupt during lessons, (as tempting as it is to have a quick word or comment with your learner or the teacher, but keep that thought until the end of the lesson so not interrupt the flow of learning). It is recommended that parents / guardians are close by during sessions when the tutoring takes place at home. This also supports the tutor so that they can feel comfortable and get on with their work. As an experienced tutor, I am more than happy to have parents in the room, close by or popping in and out quietly. Most tutors are qualified classroom teachers, we are used to people coming and going (quietly) in the classroom while we are teaching. If a tutor makes you feel that you cannot come into the room during a lesson, it might be a good idea to find another tutor.
  3. Open Communication: Establish open communication with the tutor regarding expectations in all regards. Parents should feel comfortable discussing any concerns they have with their chosen tutor.
  4. Visible Supervision: If the tutoring takes place at home or in a private setting, ensure that the room doors are left open, and the child remains within view of their parents or guardians at all times. This helps create a safe and transparent learning environment. If it is online, remember to remind your learner to stay safe on the internet, not to give out any personal details or have any private communication with the tutor. All communication going through the grown up.
  5. Trust and Transparency: Build a trusting relationship with the tutor based on transparency and clear communication. Parents should feel confident in expressing any concerns or preferences they have regarding safety measures during tutoring sessions.

By implementing these safety measures and fostering open communication with the tutor, parents can ensure that their child’s learning experience is not only enriching but also safe and secure.

6. Develop Problem-Solving Skills:

Emphasize problem-solving skills by presenting your child with a variety of challenging mathematical problems. Encourage them to approach problems systematically, breaking them down into manageable steps and checking their work for accuracy.

7. Manage Test Anxiety:

Help your child manage test anxiety by fostering a positive attitude towards exams and providing emotional support. Remind them that the purpose of the Eleven Plus exam is to assess their abilities and that they have prepared to the best of their ability.

The Eleven Plus exam can be a challenging yet rewarding experience for students and parents alike. By understanding the mathematics component of the exam and adopting effective preparation strategies, parents can help their children navigate this important milestone with confidence. Remember to approach preparation with patience, encouragement, and a focus on continuous improvement. With dedication and support, students can tackle the math section of the Eleven Plus exam successfully, paving the way for future academic achievements.


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